Unique | Beautiful | Different

Rings developed with quality and care in mind. Proud of delivering a want that is rooted in being an outlier from the norm.

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Why Second Life Rings?

See why our buyers love us and keep coming back for more. We have a feeling that after reading a few of our reviews you'll be convinced to make your purchase with confidence and become part of the Second Life Rings family.

One of a Kind

Welcome to Second Life Rings. We take vintage flatware and precious metals and hand craft them into their second life - rings.

Welcome to Second Life Rings

Second Life Rings is where precious metals & old vintage flatware, living out it's days stuck in an old box, in a forgotten drawer, or somewhere else, get's a new purpose. Each piece receives a second chance by becoming recycled - forged and transformed - into its second life: a ring! Not only this, but each and every rings new journey get's their story told by someone unique, different, and beautiful just like you. Which one will call you to write their story?

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